Therapy for highly driven, sleep deprived professionals.
In-person sessions in Orlando, FL and online sessions in FL, NY & NJ.
Stop fighting your brain.
Start leaning into rest.

You’re exhausted
You hate the sight of your bed.
It’s calling to you all day long! But at night, it’s taunting you. By 9PM you’re anticipating the battle you fight every night, and you just can’t do it anymore. Everything you’ve tried has been useless and you’re ready for a tranquilizer. Maybe you’ve already tried a tranquilizer and you hate feeling dependent on something for such a basic human need like sleep. You’re in a fight against your body, and you’re losing.
Your mind won’t stop.
Every moment of the day it pesters you with a repetitive list of what you need to do, what you haven’t done yet, and what will happen if you don’t. At night it recites a scathing review of your day (and sometimes your life), emphasizing your extreme inadequacy. The word “should”, along with an unbearable squirming in your gut is your primary motivator to get out of bed or complete any task. And when that fails, you either avoid anything that reminds you of your failure by numbing out (scrolling, sleeping, watching tv) or double down on the self-criticism to see if that will get you moving.
It doesn’t.
You’re afraid to go to sleep.
You think, “maybe if I stay up late enough, I’ll sleep so hard that I don’t dream.” You use as much distraction as possible at night: the lights are on, the TV is on, the stereo is on, and you’re scrolling. You’ve had a few drinks or a few hits to numb out, or maybe the opposite; You’re hyper-alert, mentally on guard for thoughts of the dream, doing everything you can to think of ANYTHING else. When the nightmare comes, you wake in such a panic that it takes awhile to realize you’re in bed. It was a dream. You briefly consider going back to sleep before deciding to get up for the day. The few more hours of sleep you might get aren’t worth it.
You can’t move on.
You’re constantly reminded of that thing that happened. It feels like it’s haunting you. Everything seems to circle back to it. Others tell you to “let it go” or say “it made you stronger”. But how can you let it go when it changed EVERYTHING? The world is different now. YOU’RE different now. It feels like there’s no coming back from that. And how can it make you stronger when it leaves you feeling weak, trapped, and frozen? You find yourself overworking, filling every free moment with “to do”s and distraction, leaving no time for rest. It feels easier to ignore it because it’s too hard to explain to others and too painful to face yourself.
Together, we can rewire your brain & body for rest.
I can help you finally sleep through the night.
Hello! I’m Savannah Hipes, LCSW, Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, and Sleep Specialist. I’m passionate about using evidence-based treatments to equip you with specific tools for change.
My approach to our work is directive, yet flexible and individualized. In each session with me you’ll feel supported in taking intentional steps towards rewiring your thinking, resetting your sleep, and taking meaningful action in your life.
Retrain your body and brain to sleep well using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia. Tailor treatment interventions to your current sleep patterns using your nightly sleep data.
Approach fear and racing thoughts in a new way with support and encouragement step by step using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety. Finally do things you never thought you could!
Develop confidence and mastery over disturbing dreams. Directly target specific nightmares and teach your body to induce calm with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Nightmares.
Find the pieces of you that were most impacted by life’s pain, and understand them in a new way using Cognitive Processing Therapy. Think differently, act mindfully, and create balance.
Ready to feel refreshed?
Step One
Schedule a free consultation where we discuss your concerns and identify the best approach for you (whether that’s working with me or another specialist or resource I can connect you with).
Step Two
Meet for a full assessment of your history and symptoms so our treatment plan doesn’t miss an important piece of the puzzle.
Step Three
See change unfold before your eyes week by week until you can’t imagine ever returning to the way things used to be.
A calm and meaningful life is within your grasp.
Reach out and take it.
Click below to set up a free consultation.
What you’ve tried
“I know all the ‘right’ things to do already, I just have to do them”.
books, blogs, and articles on the topic and tried to apply what you’ve learned.
family, friends, and even medical providers about it. They usually give tips that feel either completely unachievable, or the same things you’ve tried a million times.
All the apps!
CBT-I Coach
What we’ll do
the things holding you back like:
fear of failure
fear of getting better
the idea that you shouldn’t be dealing with this in the first place
what has or hasn’t worked about what you’ve tried and make incremental adjustments based on how your body and brain respond each week.
into bite sized pieces that are more doable and decide what steps to take based on evidence rather than “what aunt Linda’s best friend’s sister did”, or the most basic, generic instructions Dr. so and so could fit into the final two minutes of the appointment.
collaboratively at your own pace, and use apps adjunctively as you find them useful. Using an app is a great way to be reminded to practice things you already know how to do. It’s not the same as being taught a new skill from scratch.

“The best bridge between despair and hope is a good night’s sleep.”
—Matthew Walker, Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams